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You Take The High Road is the twelth level in the Story mode of TimeSplitters Future Perfect. Here, Cortez, with R-110, go back to Urnsay in 1924 to end Crow's rampage once and for all.


Cortez might have destroyed the TimeSplitter army in 2243 but that hasn't stopped Crow! There's a grotesquely mutated cyborg on the loose and he could easily travel to another time and place and start all over again. The only way to permanently stop Crow is to prevent him from mining the crystals in the first place. Without the Time Crystals, Crow could never have built a time device and then, the TimeSplitters will never have been created at all. So, back to 1924 and under the remote Scottish island of Urnsay where Cortez and R-110 have a mission - to find and destroy the source of the crystals and the time travel device ending Crow's insanity before it begins!


  • Activate the drilling machine







Operate the lever arm to open the submarine's hatch. Head towards the wall in front of Cortez and hide on the sides. When the "iris" opens (the airlock), R-110 and Cortez can ambush and destroy all the enemies and claim some good weapons.

At the end of the short tunnel, operate the valve wheel and turn around to look for some stairs. The right lever in the control room will open the airlock door down the hall and allow Cortez to progress deeper into the base.

By now, you should have a Kruger 9mm, K-SMG, and Vintage Rifle. R-110 will drop out of sight, leaving Cortez alone for a while. Head to the end of the gangplank and turn the valve wheel to move on. On the way back, watch for the ambush of Deep Divers and take their Harpoon Guns.

Head across the small bridge into the underwater town and into the storage area. The blue explosive barrels here can be tossed to kill enemies. More prosaically, use the K-SMG.

Head down into the stacks, blasting enemies. Keep the K-SMG out and ready on rockets, as at least two robots patrol the store room. Blast them with a rocket to avoid losing too much life. The underwater city is teeming with enemies above and below. Unless you are totally stopped from going forward by too many enemies or a locked door, adopt a fighting retreat attitude. Enemies are on bridges over the chasm, as well as above Cortez. Remember to use the TK glove to grab items you cannot reach.

By now, an enemy may have dropped a double K-SMG. Sometimes the weapon flies off the cliff (oh well) and it is not important to clearing the mission.

Watch for snipers from windows and buildings along the boulevard. Keep moving forwards unless you have a good reason to stop. If the way is blocked, locate and kill enemies left around -- sometimes a kill counter needs to be satisfied to open the way forward.

Meet up with R110 and it'll be around to help Cortez activate the four engines for the drilling machine. The room with the red and green lights is the drilling machine control chamber. Head left or right from it to access the four engines.

Activate all four engines (one is already running) by heading in and blasting the enemies. Any robots can be taken out using rockets. Engine B2, the Liparus, is a tip of the hat to The Spy Who Loved Me starring Ian Fleming's James Bond. It was the name of the bad guy's submarine kidnapping supertanker.

Enter the drilling machine and operate the lever to go deep into the earth. The drunk guard here is a waste of ammo, if you're looking to kill him. Exit the drilling machine and watch the cut-scene.



  • In the beginning of the level, R-110 is seen dancing in the submarine, while Cortez claps and silently cheers him on.
  • The poster that the Time Assassin leader is using to show the identity of the target is of Sergeant Cortez wearing nothing but a leopard-spotted speedo, a crown, and a "Mister Universe" sash.
  • The four Steam Engines towards the end of the level are named Neptune, Manticore, Liparus and Volante. These are names of boats from James Bond movies. Liparus, a supertanker serving as Stromberg's mobile base of operations and submarine staging area in The Spy Who loved Me, (Disco) Volante, Emilio Largo's personal yacht in ThunderBall, Manticore, a yacht belonging to an admiral murdered by Xenia Onatopp in GoldenEye, and Neptune, a submarine operated by Bond and Melina Havelock in For Your Eyes Only.
  • You never actually destroy the Time Crystals in this level, despite being listed as an objective.
  • R-110 comically mocks the modern firepower of the present, such as "eat my primitive projectile, eat it!" and even referring to the robots as 'prehistoric'. Hinting that he has a clear understanding of what time-era he is in.
  • The Guards in this level talk about the Crystals glowing like a lava lamp. It is unusual that they talk about lava lamps in 1924, however these Guards may be part of the Russian Henchmen brought back from 1969, which explains it.
  • During the aforementioned conversation between a Guard and Fergal Stack the latter is referred to as 'U-Genix office worker' in the subtitles.
  • The Guards that inspect the Barracuda at the start of the mission have very long conversations, and the fact that a vintage rifle overlooking the docking area can be found could mean that the player can actually sneak past the guards and snipe them from above or listen to their dialogue. This is very difficult, however, as no fool-proof hiding spaces are available.
  • Two of the guards have a conversation in which one of the guards states how unusual it is for the submarine to be empty, like the Mary Celeste, following which the other guard will comedically reply "Mary Celeste? Who's she?". This is a direct reference to the case of the Mary Celeste, a ghost ship found completely abandoned whilst at sea in 1872.
  • Like the earlier mission that takes place in Scotland, Scotland the Brave, this mission takes its name from a song associated with the country: the lyrics to the traditional Scottish song "The Bonnie Banks o' Loch Lomond" begin with, "You take the high road an' I'll take the low road..."