TimeSplitters Wiki

Dude30500 Dude30500 24 July 2018

Modding TS2 guns on GC version

Ok, first and foremost, you need an .iso (NTSC gamecube version) and you will need Dolphin emulator.

P.S. I'm bad at making tutorials.

  • 1 How to edit?
  • 2 Base Offsets in .iso
  • 3 Editing the Weapon's stats
  • 4 Projectile IDs

You will need to download a Hex editor. I use HxD. Open up the .iso file via HxD. You'll see numbers and ABCDEF letters representing binary values. On the left side you'll see an offset, which is kind of like jumping to a certain line on a text document. This blog will tell you what offset to look for. (press Ctrl+G to jump to an offset using HxD)

Add 0x240 offset per gun (ie.) 3266F0+240 = 0x3266F0, and 0x326930+0x240 would be 0x326B70 as seen below.

0x3266F0     silenced pistol
0x326930     silenced luger
0x326B70     luger
0x326DB0     ga…

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Dude30500 Dude30500 15 April 2018

How I learned to data mine the game?

In this blog, i am going to talk about how I got into the technical and data side of things. First off I was looking on google for TS2 mods or an editing program to see if there were any because other old games had a few mods which add to the replay value of things, fix annoying bugs, add difficulty or balance games to the modders liking. I had no idea how to do any of these things and had no prior experience in coding, or binary & hexadecimal AT ALL. I'm still not THAT good at finding these things, but nonetheless this has became a fun and interesting hobby for me.

With taking a liking to mod games I enjoyed to play, I was curious how to mod TS2. I knew these types of games were moddable since I played a Super Smash Bros Brawl mod before. …

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Dude30500 Dude30500 9 April 2018

TS2 - Weapon Stats

Here I will document each Weapon statistics excluding damage.

ROF = Rate of Fire, in frames. The game runs at 60 frames per second on NTSC or 50 on pal. Guns with 2 values shows the primary and secondary firing speeds most of the time. Less means faster.

  • Silenced - weapon is less likely to alert enemies if firing near.
  • AI ROF Modifier - affects how much slower the AI shoots with a gun, based on AI level. AI levels 5 and under use the fastest value, AI levels 10 and lower use the middle value.
  • Ricochet - presumably the chance for bullets to bounce off surfaces. Certain non-bullet guns have this, and may do different things (flamethrower/fire extinguisher)
  • RPM - rounds per minute, just a conversion of ROF for 60 FPS. Burst fire weapons take in accou…

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Dude30500 Dude30500 27 March 2018

TimeSplitters 1 Stuff

Since I modded TS2 and TS:FP, i wanted to try and approach TS1 and see what i could mod on it. Being a simpler game, there is less to dig up but I wanted to see how the game works

All killable things have 1.0 hitpoints, which is weird in all difficulties. There is many multipliers to calculate the damage.

On the wiki, chest damage is correct, head shots deal 12.5 times more damage, and leg shots deal only 0.4 times the damage, on all bullet weapons.

TS2 and TS:FP have their characters/guns sorted manually, while TS1 is all ordered by internal ID.

The handicap multipliers gives the exact same damage-taken modifiers in all 3 games

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Dude30500 Dude30500 25 January 2018

TS2 - Bot Stats

Character Warning: Complex technical maths ahead, from the internal numbers the game uses.

AI Level: Lower Level is better, Level 1-5 fire the fastest, level 6-10 fire medium speed and level 11-15 fire the slowest. This multiplier value varies from weapon to weapon.

Story HP: 1+0.2(15-lvl) (Easy/Normal/Hard HP)

Arcade HP: Uses a very complex formula for Chilled and Frantic

  • On Normal: AI has 0.75 to 1.25 HP based on movement speed. The Base HP is 1.0 for the AI. Every 0.5 movespeed above 8 will lower health by 0.125. Formula is 1+(8-spd)*0.25
  • On Frantic, the AI gains 0.5(15-lvl)/15 bonus HP. This equals 0.46667 to 0 bonus HP based on level.
  • On Chilled, all characters move slower. ((spd*0.7)+8)/2. Since characters move below 8 speed, Chilled chara…
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