TimeSplitters Wiki

DivyItUp DivyItUp 3 October 2014


Just now, I was searching for the definitive armor page so I could upload some pictures I took from TS 2.  I was impeded in this task by the fact that there are three different pages.  It seems that for the sake of redundancy, both the Armor Pickup and Body Armor pages shold be deleted.  The and Armor Health and Armor page could still use some revamping.

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DivyItUp DivyItUp 30 September 2014

Image Additions

Recently I have noticed that many pages. especially those of the TimeSplitters original, lack sufficient images.  Soon I will download an ISO for the game and begin cataloging story missions in greater detail.  This blog probably looks super dumb because I have never done one before, but such is the price of ignorance.

UPDATE:  As of September 3, 2015, I have just about 0 ISOs, since I had to replace my computer's hard drive, so it may be a little while before I can contribute again.

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