Zombies were usually expressionless and dull.
The Undead, usually referred to as Zombies, are humans/humanoids or other organisms that have been raised by a curse (TS1), necromancy (Notre Dame), or scientific experiments (Siberia and TSFP), usually involving TimeSplitter relation, that reanimates the bodies.
'Undead' is usually a blanket term to cover all the reanimated dead, whereas zombies usually specify the characters that act differently and have removable heads, unlike Undead Priest.
They shamble slowly towards their targets with their arms half-way out-stretched in TS1 and TS2, but some can be seen running in an odd, ragdoll-like fashion in TSFP.
Means of Reanimation[]
Tomb - In 1935, many Cultists and Priestesses used an Ankh in an Egyptian tomb to raise several zombies and mummies, until it was stolen by Captain Ash and Lady Jayne, and returned to its shrine, lifting the curse.
Village - In 1950, a strange alien artefact was discovered in a small coastal village, which brought the attention of two daring scientists and researchers. The artefact mutated and zombified the villagers, prompting Seth and Katje to fight through the hostile horde of armed villagers and take the artefact for deeper study, lifting its curse upon the village in doing so, laying the deceased villagers to rest.
Mansion - In 1965, Peekaboo Jones and Mary-Beth Casey armed themselves with shotguns and travelled to Gallows Hill Mansion, with the intent to find the remains of the psychopath that had murdered every single person there, bring them to the gallows in the mansion's backyard, and bury them underneath, thus lifting the curse and laying the deceased murder victims to rest.
TimeSplitters 2[]
Notre Dame - In 1895, two travelling do-gooders - Viola and Mr. Underwood - heard of Jacque de la Morte's evil deeds from within the Hunchback's cathedral, and so travelled there to team up with each other in order to stop Jacque's necromantic horrors forever. Entering the cathedral through the sewers, armed with shotguns, they encountered the reanimated remains of several murder victims and deceased beggars. As they got closer to the cathedral itself, they encountered undead monks and priests, fought through them, and killed Jacque, rescuing the surviving maidens.
Siberia - In 1990, the remains of a Reaper Splitter were found frozen under the Oblask Dam. Researchers and militants at the dam tampered with its DNA, performing experiments that eventually turned them into zombies (and some into mutants).
TimeSplitters Future Perfect[]
The zombies in TSFP (Mansion Of Madness and What Lies Below) were accidentally created by Jacob Crow's scientists (known as The Brotherhood of Ultra Science) in 1994, in Crow's attempt to become immortal. Certain zombies, such as the electric zombies (a living conduit of electricity, possessing the power to shoot electricity) in particular, were early "prototypes" for the TimeSplitter army he would later go on to create, which fire electricity as well.
Below, the undead characters are listed alphabetically and organized by game.
- Brown Zombie
- Eyes Mummy
- Girl Zombie
- Green Zombie
- Jacket Zombie
- Police Zombie
- Skull Zombie
- Teeth Mummy
TimeSplitters 2[]

Feeder Zombie is one of the many zombies that has eyes.
- Captain Pain
- Crispin
- Crypt Zombie
- Feeder Zombie
- Lieutenant Chill
- Private Poorly
- Sewer Zombie
- Sergeant Slate
- Undead Priest
- Trooper Grey
TimeSplitters Future Perfect[]
- Arthur Aching
- Blanche Deadwood
- Brains
- Carrion Carcass
- Clip Clamp
- Crispin
- Crypt Zombie
- Daisy Dismay
- Deadwina
- Doctor Pustule
- Headsprouter
- Gaston Boucher
- Gideon Gout
- Gilbert Gastric
- Gladstone
- Jed
- Jo-Barf Creepy
- Mr. Fleshcage
- Nurse Sputum
- Sewer Zombie
- Sheriff Skullface
- Teeth Mummy
- Undead Priest
Concept Art[]
- In Arcade Custom/League matches, the zombies' ability to have their heads blown off is purely cosmetic; Arcade players rely solely on health, not special attributes. Therefore, if a zombie's head is blown off, gameplay is not affected, and they will take damage as if their head was still attached.
- In TimeSplitters 1, zombies may fall over if they drop from a small height.
- In the series, few undead characters are depicted as the stereotypical zombie, to which they only prefer brains other than any other parts.
- In TimeSplitters 1 & TimeSplitters 2, zombies are restricted to only using two death animations in story; one where they are thrown onto their back (with the left arm slightly out-stretched), and one where they die sat down.
- In TimeSplitters 2, however, a zombie will use the 'fire' death animation if on fire, where they clutch their chest with both hands, and fall on their front.
- In Future Perfect, a zombie AI will use a special 'fire' death animation that cannot be seen in arcade mode. To see this, you cannot kill a flaming zombie - you must wait for the fire to kill it. The animation itself consists of the zombie slowly walking towards you, then gradually falling to the floor, and finally becoming motionless.
- This also means that it is impossible for a TSFP zombie AI to perform the regular 'fire' death animation, where they frantically flail their arms, fall backwards, and eventually lay motionless.
- Future Perfect Zombie AI are also incapable of using the five 'head shot' death animations and the two 'running' death animations. They are also incapable of using the six 'explosion' death animations. When killed with explosives in MapMaker, they'll just fall to the ground with a regular death animation, even if it's from a direct flare blast. Therefore, like the Story zombies in TimeSpitters 1 and TimeSplitters 2, the Future Perfect ones are restricted (though, not as much) to certain death animations; the five inflicted by body shots (or long falls), and the three inflicted by shotgun-type weapons.
- In the Future Perfect Story, shooting a dead zombie before the end of their death animation will make them emit a death sound.
- In the Future Perfect Story, when a zombie attacks, they perform a pain sound.