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TimeSplitters Wiki
Toy Soldiers
Toy Soldiers
Game TimeSplitters Future Perfect
League Amateur League
Section Nightstick
Mode Shrink
Map Vietnam
Character The General
Enemies Encountered Captain Fitzgerald
Jared Slim
Private Hicks
Private Jones
Riot Officer
Tommy Jenkins
Rewards Bronze : Nobby Peters
Medal Requirements Bronze: 1st
Silver: 1st and 20 kills
Gold: 1st and 28 kills
Platinum: 1st and 30 kills
Record: 1st and 67 kills

Toy Soldiers is the second Arcade League challenge under Nightstick in TimeSplitters Future Perfect. It involves playing Shrink in Vietnam.


Trials of a new combat drug are having some freaky results. An unforseen side effect is causing anomalous pituitary gland activity and combatants are turning into midgets! Get out into the field and show them that the top brass doesn't shrink in the face of battle.


For best results, kill all the bots as evenly as you can to better ensure that none are left with too many lives closing into the time limits for Gold or Platinum.


  • The original title of this match was Agent Orange. Match information read "The government tested a new vaccine on some unsuspecting grunts. Unfortunately it turned them into blood-crazed midgets. Other than that the trials were a relative success"
  • Gold on this match originally required 1st and 30 kills.