TimeSplitters Wiki

I was thinking, should the Riot Officer Patrol Car be listed here? I thought it should be mentioned somewhere but I didn't know what to put for it. Nevar00 00:59, 6 May 2008 (UTC)

I forgot to do this earlier, thanks for the reminder. --ILHI 14:30, 6 May 2008 (UTC)

Big Tony's Bro[]

It Could Be Just Be Me Or I Think I Saw Big Tony's Bro In The Drivers Seat And He Looked Like Hatchet Sal (However You Spell It). And Maybe The Reason He Didn't Appear In The Car When It Crashed Was Because He Jumped Out At The Last Second. Just A Random Thing That Came Up In My Head.---HARRYCONY

ILHI   17:52, 12 October 2008 (UTC)
Check it again, and add something in. But remember, how would one know whether the guy in the drivers seat is his brother. Why would it be? Though it's worth noting.

Siberia Decontamination trooper[]

ILHI   14:59, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
Aren't these normal troopers? I'll found out later... (and by later I mean sometime into next year) but are they not just members of the special forces?

Even though this has been added a while ago, the decon troopers' outfits are completely black and have orange stripes on their cuffs and the bottom of their jackets. --- Mr. Compound

They're also down the sides of their trousers, if I remember correctly. Smoke My pageMy talkMy Editcount 15:37, 25 March 2009 (UTC)