TimeSplitters Wiki

Boss Glitches[]

Leave Room Glitch[]

Leave Room Glitch
Requirements TimeSplitters Future Perfect
- Something To Crow About unlocked
Finder TSbuster

In Something To Crow About, when against the Creature; there is a simple glitch that may be done. You can allow the Creature to push the character through the wall leaving Crow's room and a reflection room under it visible.


Easy Win Glitch[]

Easy Win Glitch
Requirements TimeSplitters Future Perfect
- Something To Crow About unlocked
Finder Dominic Russell

In Crow's Palace after crossing the bridge you activate using the ElectroTool, open the big doors at the top of the stairs. A cutscene will begin. Wait for the unmoving (but laughing) Crow to move. As soon as he takes his first step in the cutscene, press X to skip the cutscene. As soon as you press X, fire at Splitter Crow for a few seconds. He will die without fighting. This is because when you skipped the cutscene, Crow had no health; by shooting him when he has no health, he dies immediately.

Note: This glitch has been confirmed to work on the Gamecube and Xbox.

Sphere Glitch[]

Sphere Glitch
Requirements TimeSplitters Future Perfect
- Something To Crow About unlocked
Finder Llamaliker

Though not really a glitch, it is entirely possible to destroy the energy sphere from the top level. Deactivate the shields for it, kill all the robots around you, line it up, and basically just hope it gets in. Then, the robots will come, and can be killed from up top, so they can't get you as easily. Unfortunately, the GOLIATH Mech won't come while one remains up on the top level, so being on the bottom floor is needed to face him.
