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TimeSplitters Wiki
Sammy Hammy Namby Pamby
Sammy Hammy Namby Pamby
Game TimeSplitters Future Perfect
Section TimeSplitters 'Story' Classic
Location Vietnam
Character Renzo
Targets Schmidt
The General
Berserker Splitter

Sapper Johnson
Medal Requirements

6 mins
3 mins 20 secs
2 mins 40 secs
2 mins 20 secs
1 min 20.6 secs
(An Empty Box)

Sammy Hammy Namby Pamby is a TimeSplitters Future Perfect Challenge. It works similarly to the original TimeSplitters Story levels, but in this you have to kill all enemies in a section before passing to the next.


The LZ drop didn't go so well and Samuel Renzo's been separated from the rest of the platoon, and more worryingly - his lunchbox full of ham sandwiches landed in enemy territory. Blast your way through the jungle, grab the lost lunchbox and get to the inexplicable time portal asap. Step to it GI!


You start out in the square room before the extraction point in assault mode. You start out with a Tactical 12-Gauge, and you're ambushed by a ton of enemies. The enemies are weak, however, and "blasting through the jungle" shouldn't be hard. The first gate is quite close to your starting position. The river is blocked, preventing you from getting to the other side. The second gate is near the entrance to the "enemy camp" in assault mode,

The last gate is before the river shore opposite of the first one. The lunchbox is near the river close to the area you entered. The time portal is right near the last gate.


  • Due to a bug, enemies hiding behind cover can throw grenades impossibly fast.
  • Originally, enemies did not have to be killed in order to progress.