TimeSplitters Wiki
Robert One-Oh-Seven
R-107 impostor
Species Human
Size Normal
Native Timezone 2243
Related Characters Leo Krupps (Dress-Up Buddy)
Games TimeSplitters 2, TimeSplitters: Future Perfect

Robert One-Oh-Seven is a Human who believes he is a Robot. He attempts to sound like a robot, and he somehow makes similar beeping noises when selected in TimeSplitters: Future Perfect. R One-Oh-Seven's name sounds as if it is a prequel to the original R-108. The robot costume he wears consists of cardboard boxes with drawings of circuitry on them, with an underlying dark lycra suit. He fights in the Machine Wars. Although his specific role or impact (if any) in the war is unknown, he apparently fights for humanity, judging by his bio and the two challenges he appears in (But Where Do The Batteries Go? and Balls of Steel).


TimeSplitters 2[]

TS2 Robert One-Oh-Seven Small R-One-Oh-Seven

Star 2
Unlock Challenge > TimeSplitters 'Story' Classic > But Where Do The Batteries Go? with Silver or better
Gallery A few deranged zealots were drawn to the Machine Wars. Poor Robert One-Oh-Seven is under the delusion that he is a carefully constructed robot sent to save the world from evil.
Accuracy Agility Stamina
9/20 6/20 12/20

Robert One-Oh-Seven makes his first appearance in TimeSplitters 2. He does not appear in Story mode, but does take part in the Arcade League, Challenge mode and several Bot Sets.

TimeSplitters: Future Perfect[]

TSFP Robert One-Oh-Seven Small R-One-Oh-Seven

Star 5
Unlock Default
Gallery A few deranged zealots were drawn to the Machine Wars. Poor Robert One-Oh-Seven is under the delusion that he is a carefully constructed robot sent to save the world from evil.
Gesture Stands facing downwards, stands up straight, puts foot down and "Doot-doot. (vibrate sound) I am your servant. I am your worker."
Speed Stamina Shock Proof Fire Proof
5/8 5/8 5/8 2/8

R-107 reappears in TimeSplitters: Future Perfect, although in a diminished role. He only has a single appearance in a Challenge, and appears in several bot sets. He's another character that got a major stat boost in between TimeSplitters 2 and Future Perfect, rising from a pitiful two star rank to a top five star rank.



  • His voice clips sound very similar to C-3P0 from Star Wars.
  • His pain/death voice clips - and fire scream - are exclusive to him. They were provided by Lee Ray.
    • His fire scream is him saying "Ouch, stop that!" in a southern English accent.
  • His gesture is a reference to the 1978 song The Robots by Kraftwerk, which features the line "Я твой слуга, я твой работник," (pronounced Ya tvoi sluga, Ya tvoi Rabotnik), which translates to "I'm your worker, I'm your servant".
  • INSETICK SD/12, INSETICK SK/10, PROMETHEUS SD/7, PROMETHEUS SK/8, and R One-Oh-Seven all have the same gesture. However, the INSETICKs share the same beeping sounds at the start of their gestures, while the PROMETHEUS robots share different beeping sounds in their gestures. Otherwise, all five characters have unique gesture dialogue.
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