TimeSplitters Wiki
TimeSplitters Wiki
Police Zombie
Police z
Species Human/Zombie
Size Normal
Native Timezone 1965
Related Characters Overall Mutant (Ally)
Priest Mutant (Ally)
Green Zombie (Ally)
Brown Zombie (Ally)
Jacket Zombie (Ally)
Girl Zombie (Ally)
Skull Zombie (Ally)
Games TimeSplitters 1

Police Zombie is, quite blatantly, a generic police officer character who has become a zombie. Most of his police uniform has been shredded, and he has a characteristic shark-sized bite taken out of his right side. His cheeks have been split closest to his mouth, giving him a larger bite, with reddened, glazed over, lidless eyes. They only appear in TimeSplitters 1 in the Mansion level, serving as another zombie in the level.



TS1 Police Zombie Small Police Zombie
Police Zombie

Unlock Challenge > 1-C Dusk of the Dead
Gesture Lunges off of the screen, groaning.


