TimeSplitters Wiki
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OpenSplitters was a fan-game in development by Timesplittersportal.com member Jolteon and his team, Rude Paw Productions.

The first version of the game was scheduled for release in 2013. There was to be one new game mode, simply known as "Arms Race", which would play similar to how it did in games such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, as a method of showing off all of the guns from all the differing games in one multiplayer experience.

The OpenSplitters team was comprised of around six people, all working on different sections of the game.

On 16th March, project managers Jolteon/Adam and Fizz announced that they were ceasing development on OpenSplitters, citing the status on TimeSplitters Rewind as an officially sanctioned mod as the primary reason.

Fan-Made Games
TimeSplitters Gold · TimeSplitters Mayhem · OpenSplitters · TimeSplitters Zero · TimeSplitters Silver