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TimeSplitters Wiki
Nurse Tourniquet
Nurse Tourniquet
Species Human
Size Normal
Native Timezone 1994
Related Characters Jacob Crow (Employer)
Nurse Sputum (Colleague; Undead Form)
Games TimeSplitters Future Perfect


Timesplitters Future Perfect[]

TSFP Nurse Tourniquet Small Nurse Tourniquet

Star 2
Unlock Default
Gallery An excellent first aider her bandages are always tight and restrictive.
Gesture Stands with hands and feet pointing out, jumps while saying "Oooh, uh-heh", stops and then says "Got any injuries? No? Want some?"
Speed Stamina Shock Proof Fire Proof
5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8

Nurse Tourniquet is a nurse who appears in TimeSplitters Future Perfect as a starting character. Despite her lack of appearance in Story, she still merits her own zombie alteration character, known as Nurse Sputum. She also appears in a few Arcade League matches, but only playable during one. Nurse Tourniquet seems to have a disorder, as her arms and legs are held in odd directions.


  • Nurse Tourniquet reuses voice clips from Angel Perez and Krayola.
  • Her gesture is shared with Nurse Sputum, but they have different dialogue (yet they say the same thing).
  • In What Lies Below, after a scientist is eaten by two zombies behind a window, Sergeant Cortez will find "Research log 09/08/93" on the computer, and that a particular zombie reminded a nurse of an ex-boyfriend of hers, so the researchers christened the zombie "Trevor".
  • Her internal name is mansionnurse.

