TimeSplitters Wiki
TimeSplitters Wiki
Species Human
Size Normal
Native Timezone 1969
Related Characters Archibald Khallos (Employer)
Vlad (Colleague)
Oleg (Colleague)
Erik (Colleague)
Games TimeSplitters: Future Perfect


TimeSplitters: Future Perfect[]

TSFP Leonid Small

Star 3
Unlock Complete Arcade League > Amateur League > Nightstick > Commuting Will Kill You with Bronze or better
Gallery You'd be surprised how many workmen it takes to run a secret base.
Gesture Lift's a barrel above his head while saying "Okay. Ergg, er, errr...taahhh!"
Speed Stamina Shock Proof Fire Proof
5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8

Leonid is one of the engineers that works in the train depot for Khallos. He is seen in Story Mode working on generators. Sgt. Cortez must knock him out or kill him to obtain his swipe card.


  • His pain/death voice clips - and even his fire scream - are exclusive to him.
  • His model is identical to Oleg's, but with a different texture.
  • His internal name is traintechnician.

