The Health Pack is used to heal your character. Certain packs will heal your health bar by 50%, while others will heal it fully. The Health Pack is located on the ground in Story, Arcade, and League. It is most noticeable by its red colour and cubic form. This item can be placed into custom Mapmaker levels with few limitations on the location.
In TS1, the health pack appears as a red, octagonal panel with a white cross on. Depending on the particular type placed, packs can heal 25% or 100%.
In TS2, packs are small, white boxes with a fire-orange banner over the top, which has a small, white cross on it. Similarly, these kits can heal the player in various amounts. There is only one health pack in the Story of TS2; it can be collected by touching the back of the floor turret found in Robot Factory.
TimeSplitters: Future Perfect[]
In TSFP, their pack design changes depending on the time period.
In 1929, the packs appears to be a blue and white colored pack with a white circle and a cross on it.
In 1969, the packs appears to be a slightly modernized pack with metallic blue and white on it with the signature red cross on a circle.
However, in The Khallos Express, the pack appears to be a green military-like pack with a red cross on it, it's also the same design uses in 1994 and 2052.
In 2243, the pack is shaped almost like a polygonal circle, it's metallic blue with a red cross and circle on it.
In 2401, the pack is grey colored with glowing red lights on it, along with a signature red cross.
The obvious tell-tale sign that a Health Pack has just been picked up is the small, high-pitched, and very recognizable sound it makes.