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TimeSplitters Wiki
Gideon Gout
Gideon Gout
Species Human/Zombie
Size Normal
Native Timezone 1994
Related Characters N/A
Games TimeSplitters: Future Perfect


Timesplitters: Future Perfect[]

TSFP Gideon Gout Small Gideon Gout

Star 2
Unlock Complete all Amateur League matches with Silver or better
Gallery He's dead and he doesn't even know it.
Gesture His head comes off, and he does kick-ups and headers with it like a football. He then grunts the England football tune and exclaims, "Zombie!".
Speed Stamina Shock Proof Fire Proof
4/8 6/8 8/8 2/8

Gideon Gout is an unlockable Zombie character in TimeSplitters: Future Perfect. He appears in the Mansion Of Madness and What Lies Below levels as a generic enemy, as well as a challenge and a league match. He has no other role in the game.


  • He reuses his voice clips from Feeder Zombie, Private Poorly, Sergeant Slate and Captain Pain, which he then shares with Arthur Aching and Jed (voiced by Graeme Norgate).
  • He is shown to be capable of speech when selected, despite having detached his own head.
  • His gesture is a reference to England's football team, as their fans shout, "Dun! Dun! Dun-Dun-Dun! Dun-Dun-Dun-Dun! England!". However, Gout replaces "England!" with "Zombie!"
  • His internal name is simply zombie.

