TimeSplitters Wiki
TimeSplitters Wiki

Every Story mission in the TimeSplitters series is either set on Earth, Planet X or the Space Station. Below is a list of every mission and their assumed location on the Earth's surface.

Known Locations[]

The missions that take place in at least a certified country:

Game Mission Location
TimeSplitters 2 1853, Wild West Little Prospect, Texas, U.S.A.
1895, Notre Dame Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France
1920, Aztec Ruins Temple of T'hochek, Guatemala
TimeSplitters FP 1924, Scotland the Brave Urnsay, Scotland, United Kingdom
1924, You Take The High Road Kronia, Scotland, United Kingdom
1924, Future Perfect
TimeSplitters 2 1932, Chicago Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
TimeSplitters 1935, Tomb Egypt
1965, Mansion Gallows Hill Mansion, U.S.A.
TimeSplitters FP 1969, The Russian Connection Stanizlav Train Depot, U.S.S.R.
1969, The Khallos Express Khallos' Train, U.S.S.R.
TimeSplitters 1970, Chinese New York, U.S.A.
TimeSplitters 2 1990, Siberia Oblask Dam, Siberia, U.S.S.R.
TimeSplitters FP 1994, Mansion of Madness Connecticut, U.S.A.
TimeSplitters 2005, Cyberden San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
TimeSplitters 2 2019, NeoTokyo Tek Quarter, Tokyo, Japan
TimeSplitters FP 2052, Breaking and Entering U-Genix Building, U.S.A.
2052, You Genius, U-Genix
2243, Machine Wars UltraNet Complex, U.S.A.
2243, Something to Crow About
2401, Time To Split Spacetime Marine HQ, U.S.A.
2401, The Hooded Man

Unknown Locations[]

The missions where even the country in not known:

Game Mission Location
TimeSplitters 1950, Village A Village
TimeSplitters 2 1972, Atom Smasher Khallos Island
TimeSplitters 1985, Chemical Plant Abandoned Chemical Plant
2000, Docks A Dock
2035, Spaceways The Yareel Express Spaceways
TimeSplitters 2 2315, Robot Factory Machinist's Robot Factory