TimeSplitters Wiki
Doctor Lancet
Species Human
Size Normal
Native Timezone 1994 - 2243
Related Characters Jacob Crow (Employer)
Barney (Colleague)
Doctor Pustule (Colleague; Undead Form)
Brains (Test Monkey)
Games TimeSplitters: Future Perfect


TimeSplitters: Future Perfect[]

TSFP Doctor Lancet Small Doctor Lancet

Star 1
Unlock Complete What Lies Below on Easy
Gallery You would be nervous too if you worked in the mansion.
Gesture Says "Time to unleash the arse-kickulator!" and then drops to the floor and propels himself with his legs saying "Woo woo woo woo woo."
Speed Stamina Shock Proof Fire Proof
5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8

Doctor Lancet is the scientist who works for Jacob Crow and appears in the Mansion Of Madness and What Lies Below story mode levels in TimeSplitters: Future Perfect. One story objectives is to save him from the worms in the backyard of the mansion.

It's worth noting that Dr. Lancet is a name given to all the generic scientists who appear in the Mansion of Madness and What Lies Below levels (with the exception of Dr. Harvey and Jacob Crow - who are the only two who do not have Dr. Lancet's model).

The Drunken Doctor Lancet[]

"It can ruin your day *hic* when zombies come your way. 'Les you knock off their heads, you'll be dead! An' those thingss in wall... I don' like them at all. They kill lossa people... horrible beetles..."
Dr. Lancet

The first encounter of a drunk Dr. Lancet is in the Mansion Of Madness level, inside the tiny room with killed zombie in, next to the sofa, after the the checkpoint.

"I'ahm smart... smartest man inna whole world! I woulda 'vented microwave if

summon else not dunnit... I woulda invent.... gravity, n n ... pineapples... doughnuts..."
Dr. Lancet

A drunk Lancet also appears in What Lies Below, before the torture lab, sitting in a corridor after zombies on conveyor belts.


  • His gesture is identical to that of Dr. Pustule, but with tweaked dialogue.
  • He uses a shortened version of the fire scream used by the following characters: Eli Scrubs, Jacque de la Morte, Cpt. Ash, Riot Officer, Master, Neophyte Lucian, Inceptor, Security, General & Private Hicks of TSFP; and by Elijah Jones, Colonel, Hector Baboso, Jacque de la Morte, Cpt. Ash, Jake Fenton, Slick Tommy, Louie Bignose, Jimmy Needles, Hatchet Sal, Lawyer, Captain Sand, Sergeant Shivers, Nikolai, Gregor Lenko, Riot Officer and Master of TS2.
    • In Arcade, his fire scream is also used as a pain scream.
  • The Lancet is one of the most respected journals of medicine in the world, named after a small but very sharp surgical knife (a sort of precursor to the scalpel).
  • The second cell of the "Zombie Creator Room", in What Lies Below, holds a Dr. Lancet. In a rare glitch, events can transpire in such a way that this Dr. Lancet will be glitched out of the room, roughly next to where Jo-Beth is standing by the hall window. He will immediately come after Cortez like an enemy would. However, this Dr. Lancet is unarmed, and set not to use any melee attacks, so he will simply run up to Cortez and hold his hand out as if holding a non-existent hand gun. He can be killed through any conventional means at this point.
  • There is also a glitch where this scientist can be cloned. It is unknown how or why.
  • You can find at least two "Dr. Lancets" also in the level Something To Crow About. They are in the room where the large remote, experimental gun is located. Like the Dr. Lancets found in Connecticut, in 1994, these scientists register as non-enemy civilians, however, they may still be considered enemies as that the only reason they appear to not attack is because they are unarmed and untrained in combat. However, this does not stop them from immediately alerting the guards to your presence (one can be heard shouting "Rebels!" upon Cortez's entry into the room). Those "Dr. Lancets" may be there as a result of time travelling. Perhaps Crow came back and brought them to the future to aid in his research.
  • According to Graeme Norgate he is voiced by two voice actors Ian Porter and Martin T Sherman.

