TimeSplitters Wiki
The Deerhaunter
Species Deer/Mutant/Zombie
Size Large
Native Timezone 1994
Related Characters N/A
Games TimeSplitters Future Perfect

The Deerhaunter appears in TimeSplitters Future Perfect as a playable character. The character resembles a large bipedal deer with a flayed body, large antlers, and hooked arms and hooves. The Deerhaunter appears in the Story mode level Mansion Of Madness as the first boss, as a deer head mounted on a wall which then comes to life and breaks the wall down. It seems the illicit experiments at the mansion have caused it to grow a partially-formed body and eventually become animate.


TimeSplitters Future Perfect[]

TSFP Deerhaunter Small Deerhaunter

Star 5
Unlock Default
Gallery Go on, just try tying this guy onto the roof-rack of your sports utility vehicle.
Gesture Leans back and throws his arms upwards, then stands crouched and says "The moose is loose!"
Speed Stamina Shock Proof Fire Proof
5/8 5/8 5/8 2/8

The Deerhaunter makes its sole appearance in TimeSplitters Future Perfect. It appears as the first boss character in Mansion of Madness, fighting Cortez and Jo-Beth Casey in the mansion's dining room. Outside of Story mode, it appears in a single Arcade League match, as well as a couple of bot sets.


Main article: Mansion Of Madness Glitches#Boss Glitch

There is a glitch in the fight against The Deerhaunter to make the boss easier; just go into the hole in the wall he came from and he can't reach you.


  • Its name is a reference to the 1978 film called The Deer Hunter.
  • Its head strongly resembles the 'possessed' deer mount in a scene in 1987's Evil Dead 2, when Ash seems to temporarily lose his sanity.
  • The phrase "Moose is loose" is used by Jo-Beth Casey and the Deerhaunter, although Deerhaunter does not appear to be a moose.
  • It reuses Bear's sound clips, which are all mere stock bear sound effects.
  • The playable Deerhaunter has different stats from its Story counterpart and is scaled down to a smaller size. It is possible to play as the story mode Deerhaunter using Cheat Engine and an emulator.
  • Its internal name is deerbeast.
  • In early builds of the game, the Deerhaunter in Arcade is the same size as it is in the story mode.
  • It shares its viewmodel arms with Carrion Carcass and Headsprouter.

