TimeSplitters Wiki

An invisibility power-up on the TimeSplitters 2 Arcade map, Ufopia.

A Cloak or Invisibility as it is sometimes called, is a power-up which looks like a glowing yellow sphere that contains a light gray veil. It temporarily turns the player almost invisible, leaving just a shimmering, translucent outline. The HUD of the player that uses the power-up appears transparent, with additive alpha blending. The effect of the Cloak/Invisibility power-up lasts for 33 seconds.

With this power-up, opposition players will find it difficult or even impossible to spot the user. In TimeSplitters 2, AI seemed to be fooled by the effect for only a brief amount of time. TimeSplitters: Future Perfect's bots were slightly easier to trick. They usually will not be able to see the player until they are fired upon. Against humans however, the invisibility power-up turns from a full blown advantage to simply a nuisance to the opponent. The combination of the cloak shimmer and the radar dot means finding a cloaked player is simply a matter of looking in his general direction and firing madly.


  • In TimeSplitters 2, the Scourge Splitter's aura is still visible when he is cloaked.
  • Even if the player is in a chroma cammo effect, it can still be detected by enemies, and surveillance objects in Story mode.
  • In Virus, the aura from an infected player/opponent still appears, even if they are cloaked.
  • A few Robot characters possessing a light source can be seen even with being cloaked. Robofish being an example.
  • Surprisingly, unarmed enemies can see you in some cases.

