TimeSplitters Wiki
TimeSplitters Wiki
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  • This page refers to using in-game cheat options provided by the game; to view information about cheating via external means, see External Cheats

Cheats are unlockable, humorous gameplay enhancers. Some of them don't affect gameplay, whereas others do; for example, Big Heads and Small Heads makes it easier or more difficult to score headshots. Cheats can only be used in the Arcade and/or Story. If cheats are active, even if they have no effect upon gameplay, you cannot progress in Story, nor can you obtain arcade awards from playing in Arcade.

List of cheats[]



Cheat Unlock Description Story Arcade Image
Big Heads Mansion on Easy in 03:00.0 Characters have heads twice the size of the normal. Only affects Robofish's fishbowl, not the fish. Tick Tick
Small Heads Spaceways on Hard in 06:30.0 Shrinks characters head to half the size of the normal. Only affects Robofish's fishbowl, not the fish. Tick Tick TS1 Cheats - Small Heads
Big Hands Docks on Normal in 03:00.0 All characters hands become about thrice the size as normal. Does not affect Tuxedo Cyborg's hands or Fishwife Mutant's stubby arm but still affects their weapons. Tick Tick TS1 Cheats - Large Hands
Infinite Ammo Chemical Plant on Normal in 01:30.0 Weapons cannot lose ammunition. Tick Tick
Paintball Tomb on Easy in 01:00.0 Paint is seen on environment if shot at. Damage is as normal. Paint does not appear on characters. Tick Tick TS1 Cheats - Paintball
Gun Sounds Chinese on Normal in 03:25.0 Weapons make humorous noises when fired instead of the standard gun sounds. Tick Tick
Enemy Rockets Cyberden on Hard in 07:00.0 Enemies wield Rocket Launchers instead of their normal weapon. Tick Cross
Enemy Bricks Don't Wait Around Enemies wield bricks instead of their normal weapon. Tick Cross
Enemies turn to Impersonators Lasting Impressions All enemies become The Impersonator. Tick Cross TS1 Cheats - Enemies Impersonator
Enemies turn to Bunnies Dinner Dates All enemies become Farrah Fun-Bunny. Tick Cross TS1 Cheats - Enemies Bunnies
Enemies turn to Gingerbread Sorry, Was That Your Bag? All enemies become Gingerbread Man. Tick Cross TS1 Cheats - Enemies Gingerbread
Enemies turn to Ducks Dock Duck Shoot All enemies become Duckman Drake. Tick Cross TS1 Cheats - Enemies Ducks
Enemies turn to Robofish Lobster Run All enemies become Robofish. Tick Cross TS1 Cheats - Enemies Robofish
Headless Planet X on Hard in 05:15.0 Characters have no heads. Tick Tick TS1 Cheats - Headless
All Heads Detachable Village on Easy in 00:30.0 Allows characters heads to be detached. Tick Tick TS1 Cheats - All Heads Detachable

TimeSplitters 2[]

Cheat Unlock Description Story Arcade Image
Big Heads Complete Space Station on Normal Characters have heads about twice the size of the normal. Does not apply for SentryBot. Tick Tick
Small Heads Dead Fraction with Silver Characters have heads about twice as small of the normal. Does not apply for SentryBot. Tick Tick
Silly Hats Dons every character without gear a hat, which can be shot off. Cross Tick
Viking Hat Silent but Deadly with Silver
Chef Hat Chinese Burns with Gold
Pirate Hat Trouble at the Docks with Silver
Big Ears Hat Escape from NeoTokyo with Silver
Roman Hat R-109 Beta with Silver
Big Hands Bags of Fun with Gold Characters have hands and guns about twice the size of the normal. Does not apply for Dinosaur. Tick Tick
Infinite Ammo Complete Space Station on Hard Gives weapons unlimited ammunition. Removes need to reload as the magazine is always full. Tick Tick
Paintball Complete all challenges with Bronze Paint is seen on environment if shot at. Damage is as normal. Paint does not appear on characters. Tick Tick
Fat Characters Golem Guru with Gold Doubles characters' width. Tick Tick
All Characters Cloaked Complete Space Station on Normal Applies permanent cloaks to all characters. Tick Tick
Slow Motion Deaths Bags of Fun with Gold Reduces the speed of death animations. Tick Tick
Cardboard Characters Complete Space Station on Easy 2-D Characters. Tick Tick
Rotating Heads Pane in the Neck with Silver Makes all characters heads constantly rotate. The vision cone of AI-controlled characters rotates with the head as well, making it impossible to sneak up on enemies. Tick Tick

TimeSplitters Future Perfect[]

Cheat Unlock Description Story Arcade Image
Big Heads Outbreak Hotel with Bronze Characters have heads about twice the size of normal. Does not apply for Carrion Carcass,GOLIATH SD/9, Med-Unit 6 or Robot Louis Stevenson. Ediwina's chin is not affected but her head is. Tick Tick
Small Heads A Pox of Mox with Bronze Characters have heads about twice as small as normal. Does not apply for Carrion Carcass or Robot Louis Stevenson. Ediwina's chin is not affected but her head is. Tick Tick
Human Gun Sounds The Cat's out of the Bag with Bronze Replaces normal firing sounds with numerous humanly spoken sounds. Cross Tick
Big Hands Cortez Can't Jump! with Bronze Enlarges characters hands and weapons by about three times. Muzzle fire applies in most weapons. Does not apply for Carrion Carcass, PROMETHEUS SK/8 or Dinosaur. Tick Tick
Paintball Absolutely Potty with Bronze Paint is seen on environment if shot at. Damage is normal. Paint does not appear on characters. Tick Tick Paintball
Fat Characters Commuting Will Kill You with Bronze Doubles the widths of characters. Similar to the initial effect of the Injector. Tick Tick
All Characters Cloaked Queen of Harts with Bronze Applies permanent cloaks to all characters. Tick Tick
Slow Motion Deaths Rockets 101 with Bronze Reduces the speed of death animations. Bots respawn times are extended. Tick Tick
Cardboard Characters Hart Attack with Bronze Makes characters thinner on their sides and flat. Tick Tick
Rotating Heads Brain Drain with Bronze Makes all characters heads constantly rotate. Doesn't apply to Robot Louis Stevenson, Cpt. Ash, Harry Tipper, Swinging Tipper, Vlad, Henchwoman, Carrion Carcass, Dr. Lancet, Jo-Beth, Amy, Dr. Amy, Old Crow, Jack, Mordecai, or Angel. Edwina's chin isn't affected, but her head is. Tick Tick
Cascade Zone Control with Bronze Replaces textures with green scrolling binary in the PlayStation 2 version and grey in the GameCube version; similar to the Matrix. Not available on the Xbox version. Tick Tick Cascade
8-bit Color Screw Loose with Bronze Makes graphics pixelated and reduces colours, much like an old NES game. Only available in the GameCube version. Tick Tick
Old Film I Like Dead People with Bronze Makes the game black-and-white, with numerous lines running down the screen, like in an old film. Only on the GameCube version. Tick Tick
Infinite Ammo N/A (Cheat removed from game) Gives the player infinite ammo. Requires Testing Requires Testing
Invincibility N/A (Cheat removed from game) Makes the player invincible. Requires Testing Requires Testing
Skating N/A (Cheat removed from game) Unknown. Does nothing when enabled. Requires Testing Requires Testing
Invisibility N/A (Cheat removed from game) Makes the player invisible. Requires Testing Requires Testing