Autoguns are a type of object commonly encountered in various Story, Challenge, and Arcade League levels throughout the TimeSplitters series.
Autoguns are sentry guns, or automated gun turrets that are either remotely operated or automatic where they'll target anyone marked as a foe. Usually they are against the player and anyone considered an ally.
Automated AutoGuns have a rather complicated system where their targeting is illuminated by flashing lights though many of them can be disabled, without destroying them entirely by sniping the mounted camera.
Automated turrets make several appearances in the original TimeSplitters.
Mansion - Autoguns take the form of deer heads mounted on the mansion's walls. They fire on the player from barrels concealed within their mouths.
Other - More conventional machine gun turrets with cameras are encountered in the three present-day, crime-drama levels (Chinese, Chemical Plant, and Docks). Spaceways is protected by autoguns that fire Raygun lasers and launch rockets.
TimeSplitters 2[]

Some Autoguns can be remotely operated.
In TimeSplitters 2, autoguns received a buff from the previous game, boasting sharp accracy with rapid fire bursts to back. Most AutoGuns appear in tripod form though some may be mounted to the walls and can be remotely operated.
Autoguns appear in Story Mode and some Arcade Maps but also can be added in Maps meant for Story Mode. Automated guns are always hostile to the player.
The most common type of autogun encountered in Story mode is a Gatling gun-style turret resembling the minigun that uses a camera to identify, target, aim, and fire at intruders. Disabling their mounted camera renders them unable to attack, and if remotely operated, give a much more static screen; Making it harder to be used.
Map | Description | Screenshot |
Siberia | Four ceiling-mounted autoguns are found throughout the Oblask Dam facility in Normal and Hard difficulties. Two protect the control room containing the terminal that the computer disk is inserted into to power the generators, and the switch that unlocks the security door leading to the dig site where the biohazard container must be destroyed.
Return to Planet X | Two mounted guns protect the crashed UFO's Teleport and shoot slow green bolts at foes. They target both the Meezor and the players. | |
NeoTokyo | Four white ceiling-mounted Gatling turrets with cameras are installed throughout the hackers' base in NeoTokyo. Initially, they are inactive, but activate after the evidence is uploaded to the police server using the terminal in the locker room. They only appear on Normal and Hard difficulties. | |
Atom Smasher | A Gatling turret mounted from the ceiling can be found in the corridor leading out of the starting area next to the exit. It is inactive, but can be remotely controlled from the terminal in the booth just outside the laser trap room on Easy and Normal to help clear some of the henchmen patrolling the hallways.
Autoguns appear in both normal and Assault matches both as a hinderence to the player or defense in team-based objective modes.
Map | Description | Screenshot |
Training Ground | Four remote autoguns can be found in this level; two mounted on the walls of the buildings in Red Team's base, one mounted on the wall of the buildings in Blue Team's base, and a floor-mounted one next to the main building in Blue Team's base.
(Assault Only) |
Several autoguns are placed to stifle Red Team's advance towards the plane, in the hangar. These must be disabled or destroyed as part of the first Assault Stage. Some are mounted on the ceilings, some on the fuselage of the plane, and some on the floor. | |
(Assault Only) |
This map's autoguns are exclusive due to using different types of ammunition.
TimeSplitters Future Perfect[]
These autoturrets have been given several nerfs compared to their predecessors, but can be seen using a variety of ammunition. They generally turn slower towards their target, but are just as deadly and accurate.
Breaking and Entering - Inactive autoguns dot the interior and rooftop of the building, and will activate when Cortez triggers the alarm by running through a laser tripwire or getting caught by a security camera. He takes control of one using a terminal to protect Amy Chen from U-Genix Security, while she hacks a computer in an inaccessible office until the security grid is shut down, locking him out.
You Genius, U-Genix - In some parts of the level, the player will encounter railbots, some of which will fall down to the ground and turn into spider-bots if damaged enough, unlike the Robot Factory turrets. The railgun in the security checkpoint manned by Inceptress can be hacked and turned against the guards, using the terminal behind the switch that disables the detector. If the gun is used to kill the guards, Amy will comment on its use by Cortez.
Machine Wars - Several autoguns flank the UltraNet defensive lines in an area where trenches have been dug to cut down the advancing rebels. Cortez can use the Sci-Fi Sniper Rifle that he finds here to disable the autoguns to aid the resistance's offensive. They are also among the many measures that the robots use to protect the path to the worker's entrance to their facility. The autoguns are used in a last-ditch attempt to stop Cortez, as he and R-110 traverse the treacherous road by car, but the effort is ultimately a failure for the UltraNet forces.
Most autoguns are found in the Assault Levels, with various types, though they are place-able in Mapmaker levels.
Assault - In all Assault levels, these autoguns fire upon the attackers, including the players. They are split into two types: heavy autocannons and ceiling-mounted autoguns. The former are larger and more powerful than their smaller counterparts.
The autoguns are once again place-able in Mapmaker levels and in all modes. They can be set to only attack players on the opposite teams to that which they're assigned to. A switch can also be used to control the one that is connected to it.
Much like the normal gun emplacements, their ammunition and scan radius can be changed. Their mounting can also be toggled from ceiling or floor, and can range from bullets, to rockets, to even Injector syringes.
Like in TimeSplitters 2, each autogun has a status indicator in the form of a coloured light, though they have one additional mode now; an alternating pink/yellow light for when a target is detected but is outside of the turret's offensive range.
Tileset | Turret Description |
Egyptian | Vickers Machine gun with a camera mounted on top. |
Horror | Silver, boxy, steam-punk turret with a single Gatling barrel. The ceiling version is an aging, golden-dome turret. |
Military | Similar to their manual counterparts, but without a shield, and a camera on top. |
Lab | Similar to their manual counterparts, but without a shield and a camera on the side. The light indicator is strangely separated from the camera and is placed on top. |
Virtual | Very large with twin-barrels and a side-mounted camera. Ceiling turret is a red, virtual-style version of its Horror counterpart. |