TimeSplitters Wiki

TimeSplitters In Detail- All Arcade Awards! (TS2)

Arcade Awards are awards given for various reasons in Arcade Custom mode. Getting all of them does not unlock anything in the games, but it is something that advanced players often like to try and achieve after completing everything else the games have to offer, similar to platinum awards for Arcade League and Challenge. Arcade Awards appear in TimeSplitters 2 and TimeSplitters Future Perfect, however not all of these awards are available in both TimeSplitters sequels.

List of Arcade Awards[]

Award Requirement
Most Lethal Get the most kills, must be more than 15 kills.
Most Losses Get killed the most, must be more than 10 deaths.
Lemming Award Most suicides, must be more than 4.
Most Professional Get 7 kills or more without dying.
Multi-Kill Get 4 kills or more within a 3 second time frame.
Longest Spree Get 5 kills or more with 4 or less seconds between each other.
Most Effective Most accurate, over 20 shots fired and your accuracy must be greater than 70%.
Pathetic Shot Least accurate, over 20 shots fired and your inaccuracy must be greater than 70%.
Maniac Most "dead hits", over 30 shots fired and 10% of your shots hit are "dead hits" (see video below for explanation).
I Hit Dead People (TSFP) Shoot the bots' bodies while they are dying & after they are dead.
Brain Surgeon Most headshots, over 15 shots fired and 10% of your shots hit are headshots.
Fists of Fury Most punches landed with your fists, over 6 punches landed.
Glass Jaw Get punched the most, more than 6 times.
Decapitator Knock off the most heads, must be more than 5.
Fists Of Steel Punched off the most heads, over 3 heads punched off.
Betrayer (TS2) Hit friendly targets 20 times or more.
Traitor (TSFP)
Vandal Shoot glasses 20 times or more, 4% of your shots fired must be "glass hits".
Hypochondriac Picked up the most health kits, must be more than 3.
AC-10 Award Picked up the most armour, must be more than 2.
Where's The Health? Picked up no health kits, an opponent must pick up more than 3, match must be over 2 minutes long.
Where's The Armor? Picked up no armour, an opponent must pick up more than 2, match must be over 2 minutes long.
Hoarder Keep your distance moved low and your pickups collected high.
Sloth Move considerably less than any other character.
Most Frantic Move considerably more than any other character.
Backpeddler Move backwards a lot, about 37% of your movements must be in the backwards direction.
Sidestepper Strafe a lot, about 84% of your movements must be strafing.
Ledgehopper Fall as much as possible, your fall time ratio must be more than 10%.
Most Sneaky Kill enemies by taking their back.
Most Cowardly Run away from firefights. Shoot enemies who don't see you in the back or from a long distance. Blow up enemies from above with explosives from the bridges in Chasm.
Dodger Crouch for the entire match.
Most Outgunned Use the worst weapons available to you or fight with fists against armed enemies.
Best Equipped Use the map's best weapons. (Contributor's note: this does not work in TimeSplitters 2. See the video for TS2.)
Weapons Expert Use all of the weapons available to you. (Contributor's note: This method is highly ineffective. See the video.)
Unlucky To Lose Lose the match by a narrow margin. It reportedly has been attained in a Capture the Bag game lost badly.
Porter Secure your bag (Capture the Bag) often.
Bag Man Hold the bag (BagTag) for long periods of time, or steal the bag (Capture the Bag) often.
Most Useless Contribute nothing to a Capture the Bag match. It is a Capture the Bag Award like Porter & Bag Man. Be sure to have at least one bot on your team.
Ricochet King Produce lots of ricochets. Use the Sci-Fi Handgun to get this with no effort.
Underequipped Fight armed enemies with fists or the weakest weapon.
Victim Get killed repeatedly by the same enemy.
Bully Pick on just one enemy. Works best in split-screen mode, (e.g. player 1 repeatedly kills player 2). In single-player, play as a robot or Stone Golem & use the flamethrower, or use a high kill-rate weapon (minigun, SBP90) against 8-10 bots & kill them all repeatedly.
Most Peaceful Score no kills.
Most Dishonourable Shoot enemies in the back.
Most Manic Run and fire continuously.
Cartographer? Run around a level and examine every part of it carefully. (Contributor's note: just set Bot Set to None.)
Shortest Innings Get killed quickly and often. (Contributor's note: fight 10 bots and equip all with the ElectroTool or other high kill-rate weapon.)
Longest Innings Stay alive for a very long time.
Survivor Survive with low health for a long time.
Marksmanship Have high accuracy, killing opponents with the fewest shots possible. VERY hard to get in TS2. Easy in TSFP, just use the Mag-Charger on Zeppelin, select infra-red mode, and shoot enemies through the walls & floor.
Sniper Kill enemies with sniper weapons; Vintage Rifle / Sniper Rifle / Sci-Fi Sniper (TSFP only).
Most Flammable Frequently get set on fire.
Most Damaging (TSFP) Deal the most overall damage. (Contributor's note: Get the maximum number of simultaneous kills, i.e. multi-kill more than anyone else. Here is an easy way to get it: Team Deathmatch, Custom Weapons - plasma grenades only, player 1 on any team versus all bots on any other team, get the Cloak pickup, then throw a plasma grenade at the bots clustered around the health pickup while you are cloaked.)
Persistence Award Play the game for more than 50 hours. Play an arcade match after playing 50 hours to see the award on 'View Arcade Awards'.
Traveller award Travel more than 500 miles during the course of the whole game. Play an arcade match after travelling 500 miles to see the award on 'View Arcade Awards'.
Trigger Happy Fire more than 500,000 bullets during the course of the whole game. The ElectroTool has the highest fire rate. Play an arcade match after firing 500,000 bullets to see the award on 'View Arcade Awards'.
Insomniac Award Play for more than 2 hours after midnight. Play an arcade match afterwards to see the award on 'View Arcade Awards'.
Beheader Award Knock off more than 200 heads during the course of the whole game. Play an arcade match afterwards to see the award on 'View Arcade Awards'.
Smasher Award Smash more than 500 breakable items during the course of the whole game. Play an arcade match afterwards to see the award on 'View Arcade Awards'.
Brutality Award (TS2) Kill more than 100 civilians in Story. Play an arcade match after killing 100 or more civilians to see the award on 'View Arcade Awards'.
Golden Oldie Award Play as classic characters from TimeSplitters 1 more than 25 times. Play an arcade match afterwards to see the award on 'View Arcade Awards'.